Workshop-conference : How to facilitate the emergence of a digital culture? - Training Courses | Afi U.


Workshop-conference : How to facilitate the emergence of a digital culture?

The digital transformation of organizations is no longer just about growth... it's about relevance, sustainability... survival.
Private session

This training is available in a private or personalized format. It can be provided in one of our training centres or at your offices. Call one of our consultants of submit a request online.

Call now at 1 877 624.2344

  • Duration: 1 day
  • Regular price: On request

Course outline

Duration : 90 minutes

© AFI Expertise inc.

What does digital mean for your organization? Where are new technologies likely to have the greatest impact? As part of this exchange, we will explore...

  • The challenges complicated by the speed of digital implementation;
  • The use of technology in an agile and fast manner;
  • Aligning teams with company initiatives;
  • Workspaces as a support for digital culture.

⭐ To learn more: Conférences Afi U.