Develop dynamic reports with Microsoft Power BI : DP-605T00 | Afi U.


Develop dynamic reports with Microsoft Power BI : DP-605T00

Transform and load data, define semantic model relationships and calculations, create interactive visuals, and distribute reports using Power BI.
Microsoft Partner

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  • Duration: 1 day
  • Regular price: $795
  • Preferential price: $675tip icon

Course outline

Duration : 1 day

© AFI par Edgenda inc.

Transform and load data, define semantic model relationships and calculations, create interactive visuals, and distribute reports using Power BI.


  • Intermediate
  • Data Analyst


Completion of the Get started with Microsoft data analytics is recommended.


  • Get data into Power BI
  • Clean, transform and load data into Power BI
  • Design a semantic model in Power BI
  • Add measures to Power BI Desktop models
  • Add calculated tables and columns to Power BI Desktop models
  • Design Power BI reports
  • Configure Power BI report filters
  • Create and manage workspaces in Power BI
  • Managing semantic models in Power BI