Workshop-conference: How do you create a digital culture? | Afi U.

Workshop-conference: How do you create a digital culture?

Companies that are able to establish a corporate culture are mostly more financially successful: "Two years after the implementation of changes in the company, good performers hold twice as much financial advantage as bad performers," states the McKinsey-Company study on the secret of successful change implementation.
Private session

This training is available in a private or personalized format. It can be provided in one of our training centres or at your offices. Call one of our consultants of submit a request online.

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  • Duration: 0.5 days
  • Regular price: On request

Course outline

What does the word digital mean to your organization? Where are new technologies likely to have the greatest impact? The digital transformation of organizations is no longer just a growth issue... but an issue of relevance, sustainability... survival.

Duration: 1.5 hours (10:30 to 12:00)

Dynamic format for everyone

At Afi, we believe more than ever that HUMAIN - TECHNOLOGY, amplified by the creation of learning rituals, becomes the key to seizing the opportunity to transform at the right speed.

Our coffee-talks series is part of a continuing education framework, where the participant has the advantage of being able to choose the role he will play. Will you be an active participant or would you rather listen?
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As part of this exchange, we will explore...

  • The challenges complicated by the speed of digital implementation;
  • The use of technology in an agile and fast manner;
  • Aligning teams with company initiatives;
  • Workspaces as a support for digital culture.

Discussion :

  • What do the companies that are most successful in implementing change within their organizations do differently than others?
  • How can we make sure we have the best impact in a change process?
  • What initiatives could enable teams to achieve better digital skills?
  • What challenges do you face in implementing a digital culture?

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Sara Garneau
Sara Garneau
Chief Digital Officer
Chief Marketing Officer and partner at Edgenda, Sara has more than 20 years of experience in product development and management, business transformation and go-to market strategy.