Contents | Docker concepts and architecture - Project history
- Presentation and components
- Pros / Cons with a fully virtualized architecture
- Client-server architecture
- Container, image and registry
First steps with Docker - Launch of a container
- Working with a running container
- Managing containers
Managing images - Image creation based on a container state
- Using Dockerfile to automate image creation
- Build your images and share them on the Docker Hub or on a local registry
Managing data volumes - Volume addition to a container
- Re-affectation and volumes sharing
- Mounting of a host directory as a volume
- Best practice: data_container pattern
Network and linking containers - Network modes proposed by Docker
- Direct link and inheritance
- Exposure of network port
Docker in production - Automatically launching containers at startup
- Limiting the container memory and CPU
- Managing High Availability and fail-over
- Managing backups
- Managing logs
Dockerise your own application - Preparation
- Dockerfile working concepts
- Dockerfile creation, useful directives
- Best and Worst Practices
- Many daemons in a single container using Supervisord
Advanced use - Creating your costumed image base
- Using Docker Inspect
- Creating your own registry with Docker Registry
- Advanced network: Docker limitations and solutions
- Docker Compose: managing a multi-container application
Going further - Some interesting projects you can follow