Develop an ASP.NET Core web app that consumes an API (AZ-2002) | Afi U.


Develop an ASP.NET Core web app that consumes an API (AZ-2002)

Learn how to gather information from API documentation and perform HTTP operations in an ASP.NET Core Razor Pages web app.
Microsoft Partner

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  • Duration: 1 day
  • Regular price: $795
  • Preferential price: $675tip icon

Course outline

Duration : 1 day

© AFI par Edgenda inc.

Applied Skills training courses are designed to validate specific skills by focusing on real-life scenarios. They offer a targeted alternative to traditional role-based certifications, focusing on the application of technical skills in work situations.

Learn how to gather information from API documentation and perform HTTP operations in an ASP.NET Core Razor Pages web app.


  • Intermediate
  • Developer


  • Experience writing C# at an intermediate level
  • Ability to write HTML at an intermediate level
  • Knowledge of RESTful services and HTTP action verbs


  • Interact with an ASP.NET Core minimal API
  • Implement HTTP operations in ASP.NET Razor Pages
  • Rendering API responses in ASP.NET Core Razor pages

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