Leading through ambiguity | Afi U.

Leading through ambiguity

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  • Duration: 0.5 days
  • Preferential price: $425

Course outline

Duration : 0,5 day | 3.5 hours

© AFI par Edgenda inc..

Adapted to the context evolution of today’s workplace, this workshop invites employees and managers to develop new benchmarks and a common language to transform discomfort into a driver of change and commitment. This hands-on workshop combines concepts, reflection, and action.

The learning setting aims to trigger "clicks" through experimentation and to generate real passages to action. This workshop intends to create a safe space where trust and reflection will allow participants to:

• Name the challenges encountered and become aware of discomforts and their impacts

Facilitate adaptation into new and changing environments

Embrace the possibility to act as an agent of change

• Generate commitment and act in a context of ambiguity


Employes and Managers



During a period of organizational evolution, equip employees and managers to foster confidence and courage to become more comfortable navigating through ambiguity


The experiential workshop*** will lead participants to:

  • Make sense of ambiguous situations and an evolving context
  • Explore and discover what leverage to build on in terms of strengths and talents.
  • Identify a variety of options and strategies to better navigate ambiguity

Teaching method

Workshop in reflection-action mode, both individually, small groups and collectively

Surround yourself with the best

Zaida Bibiana Mangones Matos
Zaida Bibiana Mangones Matos
Zaida is a dynamic and highly qualified trilingual trainer, facilitator and coach that is considered as catalyst for individual and collective transformational processes. Not only is she graduated as a certified coach from the Edgenda/Mozaik Coaching School, but she also holds a major in career development (UQAM), a 2nd cycle university degree in epidemiology and an undergraduate medical doctorate from outside of Quebec. She is known for positive energy, her systemic vision, the quality of her presence and her ability to create bonds of trust.
Virginie Arbour-Maynard
Virginie Arbour-Maynard
Facilitator, coach, speaker and senior advisor, Virginie is a passionate and mobilizing leader. She puts her solid experience as a professional, manager and ideator for more than 20 years at the service of various companies and teams that she accompanies through courses, workshops and individual and collective coaching. Virginie is a lawyer, member of the Barreau du Québec (2001) and professional coach. She has completed the 2nd Kaos Pilot level (Master Archer art & craft of designing & facilitating learning spaces) and is a certified SuccessFinder and AtmanCo professional.
Marie-Hélène Demers
Marie-Hélène Demers
Chief Executive Officer, Talent and Human Potential
Business coach, entrepreneur and organizational "metteur en scène", Marie-Hélène Demers is ignited by her vision of creating a human, supportive and prosperous world. Vice-President, Human, at Edgenda, she leads the coaching school and the center of expertise #coaching and leadership, with the mission of inspiring the development of people and teams in organization – for better cooperation in the service of our sustainability.
Vanessa Deschênes
Vanessa Deschênes
As a trainer, facilitator and coach, Vanessa is known to be an actor of change, as well as a caring and mobilizing leader who is not afraid to think outside the box. She has more than 15 years of experience in consulting and management roles and has held major positions. Vanessa is recognized for her ability to popularize complex subjects and to make everything practical, which makes her an excellent communicator.
Maria Mikulowicz
Maria Mikulowicz
As a trainer, coach and senior advisor for more than 25 years, Maria has a solid experience, both in terms of implementation and dissemination of training programs, as well as a coach in training and organizational development. As a bilingual trainer at AFI Expertise, she has trained several thousand people, mainly in the fields of management skills, leadership, communication and customer services. Maria has led mandates at both tactical and strategic levels: management teams, operations and frontline personnel.

© 2025 AFI Centre de formation autorisé Emploi-Québec