Develop your reflexes in a context of continuous change | Afi U.

Develop your reflexes in a context of continuous change

Learn how to manage effectively the process surrounding the change in order to support and mobilize your teams in a context of continuous change."

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  • Duration: 0.5 days
  • Preferential price: $295

Course outline

Duration : 3,5 hours

© AFI par Edgenda inc.

A new project to implement? A new business orientation? As a manager or professional involved in the implementation of change projects, would you like to better exercise your role as a change agent?

Structured around an effective change management (CM) process, this training will allow you to steer the change process, to support and mobilize your teams in a context of continuous change.


Managers, professionals




  • Understand the human dimension of change
  • Have a structured intention and agile interventions
  • Identify the CM reflexes of a successful change in a company
  • Sharpen your reflexes in the context of change
Teaching method

Lectures, demonstrations guided exercises, case study


Understanding the human dimension of change

  • Identify the key elements of change management
  • Putting people at the center of change

Have a structured intention and agile interventions

  • Relevance of having a structured yet flexible model in CM
  • Presentation of an individual-based approach: CHALLENGE

Identify the CM reflexes of a successful change

  • Clarification of change
  • Stakeholder and impact identification
  • Stakeholder intervention strategies
  • Strengthening the ally network
  • Measurement and adjustment of the CM strategy

Sharpen your reflexes in a context of change

  • Pratical application of the concepts, group discussion on situations or projetcs experiences by the participants

Surround yourself with the best

Claude Fortin
Claude Fortin
Holder of a master's degree in public administration, Claude worked for 30 years in the Quebec health and social services network. As a strategic advisor, his renowned approach to managing issues that are related to complex organizations and challenges that these businesses are facing is contextualized and modern. He supports organizations in achieving their business objectives and advices companies on the strategy to adopt according to the desired organizational evolution.
Pierre Ouellette
Pierre Ouellette
Coach & organisation and cultural transformation trainer
Business psychologist certified in organisation, holding an MBA and having worked in Europe (France, Germany and Finland), Pierre Ouellette is a valued partner in diversity in several international organisations. With a specialized background in international management and cultural transformation, Pierre is your facilitator of choice for the progression of your talents!
Florence Jacob
Florence Jacob
As a holder of a double bachelor's and master's degree in management from HEC Montréal, Florence has accumulated nearly 10 years of experience as a consultant and specialist in organizational development. Her career in parapublic, public and private organizations has allowed her to perfect her expertise in coaching and leader development. Promoting knowledge sharing and managerial skills transferring is at the heart of her approaches as a consultant. Florence is known as a committed partner. Her support type is dynamic, structured and oriented towards an opened and transparent communication.

© 2025 AFI Centre de formation autorisé Emploi-Québec