Exercise a Consulting Role and enhance your impact | Afi U.

Exercise a Consulting Role and enhance your impact

As a professional working in a company, it is sometimes difficult to know how to position yourself within the organization to achieve the desired impact in terms of results. How to work with colleagues and establish a partnership based on a relationship of trust and collaboration? How to structure your interventions? 

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  • Duration: 2 days
  • Preferential price: $830

Course outline

Langues d'enseignementCette formation est offerte en français ou en anglais.


Consultants, advisors and professionals from all fields: Finance, Communication, IT, Project Management, HR, etc.


  • Intervene with a clear vision and understanding of your advisory role and purpose.

  • Establish and maintain quality partnerships of collaboration with internal/external clients.

  • Utilize a proven and structured process to meet your clients’ needs.

  • Adopt an intervention style that develops your clients’ autonomy and sense of responsibility.

  • Use simple, practical tools and techniques to intervene with impact and credibility.

  • Build an action plan to promote overall accountability.


The advisory role, a definition and purpose

  • The definition and purpose of an advisory role
  • Key players in your projects and organization
  • The essential difference between power and influence
  • Your clients, your offer, and your services
  • Three (3) areas of expertise (climate, process, content)
  • Two (2) strategic modes of intervention
  • Clarity, understanding and validation of your role within the organization

The advisory process
  • Four (4) key steps of the advisory process
  • The importance of understanding your personal leverage and communication style when performing your role

Practical tools for your advisory role

  • Survey : Clarifying the mandate and identifying potential needs
  • Defining the mandate (expected results, roles and responsibilities, deadlines, etc.)
  • Action plan template
  • Information gathering and diagnostic tools
  • Communicating feedback (FITS)
  • The nominal group technique
  • Individual performance (assessment)
  • Organizational performance (SCORE)
  • Problem-solving process
  • Analysis of a force field (diagram)
  • Three (3) pillars of an intervention
  • A systemic model
  • Communication techniques

⭐Want to go further? Coaching in a Consulting Role - Microprogram | Afi U. (afiexpertise.com)

Surround yourself with the best

Michel Drolet
Michel Drolet
Executive VP and Strategic Management Advisor
Backed by solid experience in industry, Michel is what you would call a high-level strategic consultant.
Vanessa Deschênes
Vanessa Deschênes
As a trainer, facilitator and coach, Vanessa is known to be an actor of change, as well as a caring and mobilizing leader who is not afraid to think outside the box. She has more than 15 years of experience in consulting and management roles and has held major positions. Vanessa is recognized for her ability to popularize complex subjects and to make everything practical, which makes her an excellent communicator.
Zaida Bibiana Mangones Matos
Zaida Bibiana Mangones Matos
Zaida is a dynamic and highly qualified trilingual trainer, facilitator and coach that is considered as catalyst for individual and collective transformational processes. Not only is she graduated as a certified coach from the Edgenda/Mozaik Coaching School, but she also holds a major in career development (UQAM), a 2nd cycle university degree in epidemiology and an undergraduate medical doctorate from outside of Quebec. She is known for positive energy, her systemic vision, the quality of her presence and her ability to create bonds of trust.
Kathleen Sears
Kathleen Sears
Trainer, Coach, Leadership Consultant
A trainer, coach, and senior consultant for over 20 years, Kathleen Sears has solid experience in the implementation and delivery of training programs and as a training and organizational development coach. As a bilingual trainer at AFI Expertise, she has trained several thousand people primarily in management skills development, leadership, communication, and customer service.
Florence Jacob
Florence Jacob
As a holder of a double bachelor's and master's degree in management from HEC Montréal, Florence has accumulated nearly 10 years of experience as a consultant and specialist in organizational development. Her career in parapublic, public and private organizations has allowed her to perfect her expertise in coaching and leader development. Promoting knowledge sharing and managerial skills transferring is at the heart of her approaches as a consultant. Florence is known as a committed partner. Her support type is dynamic, structured and oriented towards an opened and transparent communication.

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